Enjoy Coffee Yasumi Any Way You Like

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We are on a mission to simplify the process of enjoying high quality coffee.

Start your specialty coffee journey

A coffee bundle perfect for starters. 

The Yasumi French Press uses immersion brewing for the most consistent extraction of flavours while being super simple to use!
The Coffee experience kit
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To Gentle Mornings 🌻

Start your morning gently with our innovative swivel locking cup, perfect for coffee!
Gentle Morning cup
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🇸🇬 Free Shipping on orders above $45 | Get 35% OFF on our Coffee Experience Kit

Saturdays Blend 1kg

Net Weight 200g
Roast Profile -
City + Roast ( Medium - Dark )
Tastes like 
Chocolate, Toasted Cereal
$ 49
Suitable brewing methods
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About the coffee
1kg of our Saturdays Blend in 5 x 200g bags Named after the beginning of your weekends, let go of your worries and stay cozy with this coffee blend of Arabica and Robusta Coffee. This coffee highlights the classic familiar coffee flavour that you can always fall back on during the good times or the […]
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*Subscription plans start with a 120g trial pack and a 2 week trial period for $14.90.

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Saturdays Blend 1kg

Indonesia, Brazil
Processing Method:
Growing Altitude

Frequently Asked

What does "Taste Like" actually mean?

Coffee, just like any fruit can taste vastly different depending on where it is grown and how long it has taken to develop its flavours.

We use the closest existing flavour to represent and describe the unique properties from each region.

How to grind my own coffee?

We recommend a quality burr based hand grinder like the Commandante if you are grinding for fine for filter or coarse for french press coffee.

If you are grinding for espresso, take note that not all home grinders can handle light roasted coffee due to its higher density. You will need a cafe-grade grinder to grind lightly roasted specialty coffee.

How to store the coffee?

Our coffee bags are resealable and comes with a one-way valve to ensure that the carbon dioxide that is released from the freshly roasted coffee is allowed to escape while oxygen cannot enter to oxidise the beans.

Please store the coffee bag in a cool environment away from direct sunlight for up to 4 weeks maximum.

Why Subscribe?

It's simple! if you are drinking our coffee for the long run, you save up to 25% per bag when you subscribe!

Can I change my subscription coffee?

Yes, you can change your subscription coffee at anytime in our dashboard! You are in full control of your subscription plan.

Why is there a trial period for subscription?

A trial period gives you sufficient time to experiment and decide whether our subscription plan is right for you. This way you don't have to buy a full bag on your first order with us.

Limited time Free Subscription Trial available.

Just help us cover the shipping and handling fees.
Sign up for a free trial


Yasumi Coffee is for everyone.

There is no perfect way on how to drink our coffee,
brew it just the way you like.

Please enjoy this freshly roasted coffee in a restful state of mind.

Let go of your worries and have a coffee yasumi
with anyone, anywhere.
©2024 yasumicoffee.com
☕️ Freshly Roasted in Singapore