Update ( Applications are closed! ): Thank you so much for the overwhelming response, we filled 50 brand slots within just 3 days!
Hello Brand Owner!
We know it is costly and difficult to grow an audience for your brand on social media with advertising cost rising every year.
Putting all your effort to create high quality organic content to is also very unpredictable.
We all have to pray for the algorithm gods to bless our content.
We face this problem too and this is the driver behind why we are kickstarting this crowd-sharing of audiences amongst local brands through a joint giveaway!
If you are a local brand in Singapore, we want to sponsor our coffee merchandise as a giveaway to your audience to kickstart this initiative and the good news is there is zero cost for you to participate!
You can take this as a sign if you also think it is due time for you to launch a collaboration campaign on your socials!
We are looking to work with 50 local brands in total and so we are putting up 250 350 of our cups for sponsorships!
We have chosen our Gentle Morning Cup ( Retail Price SGD$34.90 ) as the giveaway prize and 5 cups for each brand! ( Total value: $174.5 $69.8)
The Gentle Morning Cup is a swivel-locking, leak proof, thermal cup which is a very useful and relevant item for the everyday Singaporean!
See highlights from our creators here for the cup!
The giveaway will run in two phases for maximum effectiveness.
First Phase ( Collaborate with Yasumi )
As a brand, you can run a giveaway for 5 cups in total for 5 different winners 2 cups for 2 winners and set your own criteria for the giveaway on your social media page, you are in full control.
We recommend minimally having your audience tag 3 friends and follow your page so you there is a chance for the post to go viral!
We will send you the promo-code to distribute to your selected winners when you confirm your participation by filling up the form below!
We recommend coupling this with the launch of any promotions you have so it benefits your shop!
Second Phase ( Group Crowd-sharing )
We know giveaways work better when the value of the prize is great or when the participants perceive the chance of winning to be higher.
After all contests has concluded, Yasumi Coffee will run and manage a final giveaway contest on our own page of a minimum of 100 cups to the followers of all participating brands. ( Retail value : $3490 )
Audience members can follow multiple brands to increase their chances of winning and also be exposed to the products/services of all participating members!
It also helps with your page's algorithm as users clicking into your brand page is enough to trigger the algorithm to retarget them with more of your organic content!
We are looking at crowd-sharing a minimum of 50,000 followers ( 50 x 1000 average follower count per brand ) we are now at 160,000 and counting, and we are forecasting a minimum of 10-20% increase in followers on average for each participating brand at the end of the campaign.
Note: This is a forecast based on our past giveaway! Many factors affect how successful this campaign works for you too such as if you include any of your items for the giveaway or your contest criteria.
Collaboration T&C are as follow!
Requirements for Brands
How to Participate?
We have notified all participating brands with the confirmation email!
We will have a new page with a list of all participating brands when we launch our phase 2 giveaway!
~200,000+ Combined Follower Count and growing!
P.S - Please check your spam folder if you haven't received our confirmation email after applying!
P.P.S - In case a giveaway is not your thing, if you are looking for coffee related collaborations, or partnerships to receive our beans at a discounted price, just send us an email to hello@yasumicoffee.com. Coffee is collaborative and we are always happy to support fellow local businesses with subsidised beans for co-branding opportunities.